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Important Thoughts For Today

I am blessed to have this day and to live in this day. I am honoured to breath every breath I take. I am privileged to live every moment afforded me today.

I carry great power in each moment. I can choose good or evil. I can choose to be offended or forgive. I can choose hope or defeat. I can choose love or hate. Even towards myself.

I can face difficult people and become the better version of myself by managing myself well. I can choose to focus on basic human worth, for both myself and another when I do not like or agree with them. I can leave that situation having blessed them and kept the relationship intact.

I will meditate on the good things in my day. I will look at the gifts all around me, like the houses we are fortunate enough to have, that keep us warm on cold days and dry on rainy ones. I will enjoy the moments with my family over breakfast and thought the day. I will be grateful for the roadways that allow me to get where I need to go, the vehicle I use on them, and even the stop lights that give me pause to think, or see the wonder around me - people, places and things.

Today, when when difficulties come, I can grow in love and strength towards myself and others. I am creative and intelligent enough to work them out. I can stand for good and be the best version of myself.

Karen Cook Counselling & Therapeutic Life Coaching

Eating Disorders and Women's Issues Specialist

This is your season to learn, grow, and develop a full and deeply satisfying life.

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